Welcome to BizSonKusagiz

We are dedicated to researching the signs of the Apocalypse and aim to follow the right path towards Allah (SWT) together with our Ummah.


Our mission is to build unity and always be prepared as a community for the coming events. In this era of great changes, we strive to understand and apply prophetic signs and spiritual lessons, facing the challenges of the End Times with knowledge, resilience, and faith.


On this journey, Muhammad Qasim ibn Abdul Karim plays an important role. He will be introduced on this site, and his dreams and visions will be analyzed in greater depth. Qasim’s spiritual journey and profound experiences provide valuable insights that help us prepare for the events to come.


Through the exchange of knowledge and mutual support, we seek closeness to Allah (SWT) and enlightenment. May Allah guide us all on this important path and grant us the wisdom to correctly interpret the signs of the Apocalypse. Ameen.