Who is Muhammad Qasim ibn Abdul Karim, and what is his purpose?

Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings,

We would like to introduce an important figure named Muhammad Qasim ibn Abdul Kerim, who lives in Pakistan. This 48-year-old man offers profound religious insights through his life and experiences.

Muhammad Qasim grew up in a home that adhered to the Sunnah and has testified by saying, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His final messenger.” However, when asked about his affiliation with any specific Islamic sect, he mentioned that he does not fully understand the many sects in Islam and believes that there should only be one sect. He emphasizes that true Muslims who follow the belief in Tawhid (the oneness of Allah) are those who only believe in Allah.

From a young age, he has had over 800 dreams related to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Allah (God). Many of these dreams have come true, such as events like the war between Palestine and Israel, which were foretold in his dreams. Muhammad Qasim shares these dreams to teach people that shirk (associating others with Allah) is the greatest sin and should be avoided.

The accuracy of the messages he received in his dreams has led many to realize that Qasim’s dreams have indeed turned into reality over time. More information on this topic can be found on our homepage in the article titled “Qasim’s Dreams and Messages.”

It is important to clarify one point:

Muhammad Qasim has never claimed to be the Imam Mahdi.

He sees himself as a servant tasked with conveying the messages from Allah to the people. Many people believe that one day he will take leadership as the Imam Mahdi, and they support him in this belief. This belief is based on Allah’s command.

And Allah knows best.

Frequently asked questions about Muhammad Qasim

When did you start seeing these dreams?

“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The first dream I had in my life came to me when I was around five years old. After that, when I was about thirteen, I saw another dream. Later, at the age of seventeen, I began to see dreams regularly, and this series of divine dreams has continued until today.”

Are you sharing these dreams just to gain fame?

“I have been seeing these dreams for over 30 years. Until now, I have not shared them with anyone. If I had any personal gain or intention, like becoming famous, I would have done it in my youth. People generally seek fame and want others to listen to them when they are young. If I wanted to share these dreams for personal reasons, I would have done it in my youth. Now that I am older, sharing these dreams doesn’t matter much to me, and I don’t expect to gain anything significant from them.”

What is the reason for sharing these dreams?

“On April 20 or maybe April 22, 2014, I saw a dream for the first time, and I was commanded to share the dreams I had seen up until then with people. I wondered why this command came suddenly after all these years, and I decided to wait a little longer. Then the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) appeared in my dream and told me that I must share these dreams to save Islam and Pakistan. In December 2014, the Prophet (PBUH) appeared again in my dream and told me twice that I must share these dreams with people. When I saw these dreams, I didn’t know why I was seeing them or what their purpose was. I had no idea why I was given such a command. It was surprising to me too. Even my family didn’t believe in these dreams; how would others believe? But the Prophet (PBUH) told me in my dream that I must share these dreams with others. Now, tell me, if the Prophet (PBUH) came to you in a dream and commanded you, would you not obey? No Muslim would ever reject a direct command from the Prophet (PBUH); all Muslims are ready to sacrifice their lives, wealth, and everything for him. Similarly, when I received the command from the Prophet (PBUH), I said, ‘My life is yours.’ These are just dreams, and bad comments often come. I feel a little sad, but I must fulfill the task given to me by Allah and the Prophet (PBUH).”

How can we know that these dreams are from Allah (SWT) and not from the devil?

“In this context, you can understand that these dreams are from Allah (SWT) and not from the devil through the following points:
Firstly, the main thing I am constantly warned about in these dreams is to avoid shirk (associating partners with Allah) and all its forms. Now, the devil cannot come to someone in a dream and tell them not to commit shirk and to believe in the oneness of Allah.
Secondly, I see dreams in which I praise and glorify Allah (SWT) in the mornings and evenings. The devil cannot tell someone in a dream to praise and glorify Allah in the mornings and evenings.”

What are your thoughts on politicians and what is the future of Khan Sahib? (According to the dreams)

“After Imran Khan fails, he will wonder why he failed, and what the cause of his failure is. They will then learn from my dreams and receive detailed information. I will explain the reasons for his failure. After this, the Chief of Army Staff will also learn about these dreams and get detailed information. According to my dreams, once the Chief of Army Staff learns about these dreams, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will appear in his dream and tell him that Qasim’s dreams are truthful and that everything will happen as shown in the dreams. Once the Chief of Army Staff believes, he will take bold action. After this, the people of Pakistan and its institutions will make plans based on these dreams.”

Why are you the only one seeing these dreams?

“Allah (SWT) is the one who has the power to do as He wills. He can cause the sun to rise from the east or set in the west. No one else has this authority. Allah chooses people for specific tasks. Now, Allah knows why He chose me for this task. Why doesn’t the Chief of Army Staff see these dreams? This is Allah’s plan. Look at other examples in history. When Pakistan was founded, the Father of the Nation (Muhammad Ali Jinnah) may Allah have mercy on him, was chosen for this task. Through him, Allah created the state of Pakistan. Consider that I haven’t done any great deed to deserve these dreams as a reward. It is Allah’s will and mercy that I am seeing these dreams.”

What will the future of Pakistan be? Will we make progress? (According to the dreams)

“Listen, what is shown to me in my dreams is this: Until this country is purified from shirk and its various forms, the help of Allah (SWT) will not come. Now tell me, what is the meaning of the word ‘Pakistan’? It means a pure place, a place without shirk. Allah will not help Pakistan until this country is purified from shirk and its various forms. What has been happening for the past seventy years is that different political leaders have come, martial law has been imposed, various forms of governance have been tried, but none of them have been able to develop Pakistan. Why hasn’t development happened? Because we stopped protecting ourselves from shirk. Once Pakistan is purified from shirk and its forms, Allah will help, our plans will succeed as we wish, and Allah’s mercy and blessings will begin to pour down.”

Which sect are you from?

“I belong to the religion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and Insha’Allah, I will remain steadfast in this religion. I also pray to Allah (SWT) that He causes me to die in the religion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). As for the other matter, I am a Sunni Muslim. I have never fully understood these sects. In my dreams, it was shown to me that the way of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the best way. I am trying to follow that path, and my whole effort is to reach the Lord of the worlds, Allah, by following that path.”

Will there be a war between Pakistan and India in the future?

“A very fierce war will be imposed on Pakistan, which is referred to in the Hadith as ‘Ghazwa-e-Hind’. In this war, Pakistan will stand alone on one side, and on the other side will be the enemies of Islam and Pakistan. In this war, Allah will help Pakistan with nearly three thousand ground attack aircraft, and Pakistan, with Allah’s help, will win this war. Afterward, Pakistan will advance into the Middle East, defeat superpowers like Russia and America, and not only will it regain the territories lost by Muslims in Turkey and the Middle East, but it will also rebuild these regions and spread the true Islam of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).”

When will your dreams come true?

“In one of my dreams, I saw that the first sign of my dreams will be an attempt to turn Pakistan into ‘Tora Bora’ (instability and division). May Allah (SWT) protect Pakistan from this time. But Pakistan’s enemies are planning. For instance, many countries in the Middle East have been divided, and the Arab Spring (protests in 2010) occurred. Similarly, they want to do something like this in Pakistan. However, then Allah (SWT) helps Pakistan, and as I mentioned, these dreams reach the Chief of Army Staff. He witnesses them, and after that, Pakistan’s institutions make plans according to these dreams, saving Pakistan and Islam. Allah (SWT) then helps Pakistan, and Pakistan not only survives but rapidly progresses. Allah’s treasures, peace, and blessings begin to descend on Pakistan.”

What is the importance of your dreams in your view?

“In Islam, dreams have great importance. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that prophethood has ended with him and the chain of revelation has ended. However, the ‘Mubashshirat’ (good tidings) will continue. When the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) asked, ‘What are these good tidings?’ the Prophet (PBUH) said that these are true dreams. If you study history, you will know that Nuruddin Zengi saw dreams about two men who were trying to reach the blessed grave of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He then searched Medina and found these two men, and their heads were severed. It turned out that these men were indeed about to reach the blessed grave. From this, you can understand the importance of dreams in Islam.”

Have you shared these dreams with any important person?

“I personally sent these dreams through emails to various government institutions and military websites. Later, in January 2015, I started sharing these dreams with the public online, and from then on, people began to believe. If you think about it, you will see that there is no personal interest in this. If I had even 1% personal interest, I would have participated in live broadcasts with people like Brother Imran on YouTube; I would have done these things myself.”

What do religious scholars say about your dreams?

“My friends and I sent these dreams to many famous religious scholars via social media and email, but I have not received any responses from them.”

According to your dreams, what is the worst thing that will happen, and what are the good tidings?

“The worst thing will be the destruction of the Muslims, which means they will continue to suffer. You could call this the Third World War. This war starts in the Middle East, and Muslims even lose Turkey. Many regions of the Middle East are lost, and I have seen very painful scenes of destruction in my dreams. The good news is Allah’s help for Pakistan. In my dreams, I saw three fortresses, one of which is Pakistan. Allah helps Pakistan, and eventually, Pakistan will rule the world, and the world will be filled with peace.”

Were you guided by any organization?

“You can see my first post online; it’s still there. If you look at that post, you can easily understand that I am not a ‘project.’ It is an entirely amateur post. My posts on Facebook and videos on YouTube, if you read them in English, will look like they were written by a fifth or sixth-grade student. If an organization had guided someone, they would have done it professionally in language, content, and every aspect. You can look at my first post; all my past posts are available on the internet. You can check it yourself. Another important point is that if an organization were guiding someone, they would choose a popular person who already has a following. Why would they choose someone who isn’t even recognized in their neighborhood?”

Do people believe in your dreams or not?

“As you can see, I am an ordinary person, and I am not well-known in my neighborhood. When I started sharing these dreams, I was completely alone. Now, by Allah’s grace, people from all over the world, even many people I have never met, believe in these dreams. There are people I have never met and have never talked to online. But they not only believe in these dreams, but they also translate them into their own languages, make videos, and upload them. This is only possible with the help of Allah. Some people say that a person’s dreams reflect what they think about during the day. But today, there are many scholars whose entire job is to guide people in religion and explain Islam, yet very few of them see such dreams. This proves that the reflection of what a person thinks about during the day in their dreams is not always necessary.

Allah always creates something special, and if these dreams have never been shared or seen by anyone before, it shows that they are truly special and from Allah (SWT).”