Justice and Moderation

Published on 27 January 2025 at 19:38

Justice and Moderation: From an Islamic Perspective and the Words of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Islam invites people to adopt a lifestyle based on justice and moderation. These concepts are not only fundamental to the order of societies but also to the foundation of individual lives. The justice at the heart of Islam encompasses human rights, equality, and fairness, while moderation refers to avoiding extremes and adopting a balanced approach. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) exemplified these two concepts in every aspect of his life and advised his followers accordingly. In this article, we will explore the concepts of justice and moderation from an Islamic perspective, based on the Qur’an and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

What is Justice?

Justice means placing everything in its rightful place, giving people their due rights, and ensuring that individuals are treated equally. In Islam, justice is not only a legal concept but also a significant moral value. Allah has commanded people to act justly, seeing this behavior as a tool for maintaining peace within societies. Justice must be established not only in relationships between individuals but also in the relationship with Allah.

In the Qur’an, Allah emphasizes the importance of justice in several verses:

“Indeed, Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin.”
(Qur’an, 16:90)

This verse reveals that justice is a command from Allah and that every individual must act fairly according to their position. When Allah commands people to act justly, He indicates that this is not only a legal necessity but also a moral responsibility.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in establishing the foundations of justice, emphasized treating all people equally, without showing favoritism based on race, group, or belief. The justice brought by Islam is not just a concept for one’s own society but is based on a universal understanding applicable to all of humanity.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s Sayings About Justice

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) frequently emphasized the importance of justice. He particularly stated that justice is a principle that every leader, ruler, and Muslim must adhere to. He said in one of his hadiths:

“Justice is the dearest thing to people’s hearts. Whoever acts justly, Allah will illuminate their heart.”
(Sahih Muslim, Hadith No: 2588)

This hadith conveys how important it is for justice to be beloved in a person’s heart, and how seeing it not just as a legal obligation but as an internal value is crucial. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) highlighted that a just ruler would establish peace and order in society, and he also emphasized that each individual acting justly is valuable in Allah’s sight.

“Just rulers will sit on seats of light with Allah on the Day of Judgment. On that day, there will be no shade but His.”
(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No: 660)

This hadith points out that a just leader will attain a high position not only in this world but also in the Hereafter. What is accepted by Allah is how just a person is toward both Allah and others.

What is Moderation (Ittidāl)?

Moderation refers to avoiding extremes, maintaining balance, and being moderate. Moderation means avoiding excess in both individual life and social relationships and seeking the middle path in all things. In Islam, it is taught that balance should be maintained and that extremes should be avoided. This is a quality a Muslim must apply both in their material and spiritual life.

The Qur’an addresses moderation in the following verse:

“Your Lord has commanded you not to commit excess.”
(Qur’an, 17:29)

This verse indicates that humans should maintain balance in everything they do. Islam advises people to avoid all forms of extremism and desires balance in their lives. It also encourages Muslims to approach their spiritual lives with moderation, balancing it with piety and patience.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s Sayings About Moderation

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized the importance of moderation and the necessity of avoiding extremes. He constantly expressed that Islam is based on tolerance, balance, and moderation. He said in one of his hadiths:

“The best of actions are those that are most consistent. Not too much, not too little; everything has a middle ground.”
(Sahih Muslim, Hadith No: 783)

Here, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) advises against extremism and teaches that everything should be done with balance. Islam calls for moderation in all aspects of life, not just in worship. Moderation is the guarantee for a peaceful and balanced life.

“If one of you dedicates their life solely to worldly affairs, they are not on the right path. Maintain balance in every aspect of your life.”
(Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith No: 4155)

This hadith points out that Islam recommends a balanced way of life in all its aspects and emphasizes that avoiding extremes is a way of life in accordance with Islam.

How to Live Justice and Moderation Together?

Justice and moderation are two complementary principles. Justice is concerned with ensuring fairness, placing everything in its rightful place, and treating people equally. Moderation, on the other hand, suggests that justice should be carried out without extremes and in a balanced manner. In Islam, these two principles are expected to harmonize in every action, thought, and relationship.

For instance, a ruler is expected to govern justly, but at the same time, it is emphasized that this justice should not be applied in an excessive manner. For justice to be applied in the best possible way, moderation—acting with measure—is necessary. Islam encourages avoiding extremism and maintaining balance while also commanding the fair fulfillment of everyone’s rights.


Justice and moderation are core values that form the foundation of Islam and should be central to the life of every Muslim. Islam calls on each individual to act justly and fairly, while also advising them to avoid extremism and live a balanced life. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has beautifully demonstrated the place of justice and moderation in Islam, both through his own life and his words. By adopting these two principles, Muslims can ensure that they, as well as their societies, live in peace and harmony.

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