Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Recently, certain individuals such as Diki Chandra (Ruqayya) and Osama Altaf (Muhammad bin Abdullah) have been making dangerous and misleading claims, associating themselves with prominent religious figures. Diki Chandra has been falsely presenting herself as the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), creating significant deception. Similarly, Osama Altaf is claiming to be Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself, making various statements and prophecies based on this false identity.
These individuals are making claims that they are descendants of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and have a special mission, in ways that contradict the core teachings of Islam. Specifically, they are spreading false information about Muhammad Qasim ibn Abdul Karim, distorting him and his vision. These individuals, either without knowledge or with the intention of distorting the teachings, are causing confusion and fitna (discord) within the Ummah.
Such individuals are misleading others by assigning themselves and others roles and titles they do not deserve, diverting the attention of the Ummah in the wrong direction. Diki Chandra is attempting to present herself as a great religious figure by imitating the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), while Osama Altaf is trying to assume the identity of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself. These fraudulent claims and actions are causing great harm to Islam and its authentic teachings.
They claim that multiple Mahdis will appear, thereby promoting this false idea.
However, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) spoke of only one Mahdi. If there were to be multiple Mahdis, he would have clearly stated so, but such a statement was never made.
Muhammad (PBUH) is the final Prophet and Messenger, the most perfect guide sent by Allah (SWT) to humanity. Indeed, Allah (SWT) has declared that no human has been created as perfect as Muhammad (PBUH). Therefore, claims of multiple Mahdis contradict the message of the Prophet and the fundamental beliefs of Islam.
Let us not forget that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is our greatest example, and adhering to his teachings is vital for preserving our faith.
Opposition to the Fundamental Teachings of Islam:
Let us remember that true leadership and spiritual teachings come solely from the authentic sources of Islam: the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The teachings of Islam should not be shaped by personal interests or individual egos. The right path in Islam is one that comes from the correct sources and is based on the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
A Nabi is not always a Rasul,
but a Rasul is always a Nabi.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received the message from Allah (SWT) that he is the final Prophet (Nabi), and no other prophet will come after him.
Therefore, it is illogical for someone to claim to be a Rasul without being a Nabi. These types of claims are made to attract followers.
Please be cautious of such statements.
Additionally, Muhammad Qasim bin Abdul Karim has no connection with these individuals and absolutely does not accept the claims they have made.
We Must Be Cautious:
These individuals and their followers continue to distort true Islam and create fitna. It is of vital importance to stay away from these individuals, who promote false identities and roles, in order to preserve the peace and unity of the Ummah. We must be vigilant against those who wish to mislead our society with these false claims and instead act in accordance with the true teachings of Islam.
May Allah Protect Us:
May Allah protect us from these fitnas and deceptive personalities and guide us to the right path.
The BizSonKusagiz Team

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